Beyond search
Get instant, up-to-date answers to your most complex work questions without having to dig for information across your company’s apps.

Search every app
and file in seconds
Knowledge exists in multiple forms. Sana can find whatever you’re looking for, down to the details of your past calls.

Get answers.
Not just links.
Sometimes you need a file. Most of the time, you're trying to solve a problem. Sana helps you do both.
Up to
productivity increase
Up to
faster knowledge retrieval
Up to
cost savings
The latest sources. Personalized to you.
Real-time indexing gives you access to the latest and greatest company information. With results that keep improving over time.

Deploy quickly.
And with full flexibility.
Whether you're using off-the-shelf connectors or Sana's API, you'll be up and running fast.
![Deploy without developers or customize [with code]](img/ai-enterprise-search/no-dev.webp)
“Imagine having a system that not only holds all the know-how your team has ever accumulated but also connects the dots in ways we might not see on our own.”
Safe, secure, and supported at every step
ISO 27001 certified and GDPR compliant. Data encrypted at rest with AES 256 and in transit with TLS 1.2+
- No training on your data
- Domain verification, SAML, SSO, & SCIM
- SOC 2 Type 1 compliance
- ISO 27001 certified
- GDPR compliant
- Data encrypted at rest with AES 256 and in transit with TLS 1.2+
- Azure, Anthropic, Cohere, OpenAI, and self-hosted models
- Knowledge verification settings
- User-generated feedback on responses
- Analytics dashboard for montioring usage and responses
- API access for building your own integrations
- Dedicated success team, priority support, and SLA
- AI strategy consulting and integration guidance
- Tailored onboarding and change management support